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The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress


(Adopted at the 12th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the
Sixth National People's Congress, promulgated by Order No. 28 of the
President of the People's Republic of China on September 6, 1985, and
effective as of July 1, 1986)

Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II Primary Standard Instruments of Measurement, Standard
Instruments of Measurement and Metrological Verification
Chapter III Administrative Control of Measuring Instruments
Chapter IV Metrological Supervision
Chapter V Legal Liability
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
This Law is formulated to strengthen the metrological supervision and
administration, to ensure the uniformity of the national system of units
of measurement and the accuracy and reliability of the values of
quantities, so as to contribute to the development of production, trade
and science and technology, to meet the needs of socialist modernization
and to safeguard the interests of the state and the people.
Article 2
Within the territory of the People's Republic of China, this Law must be
abided by in establishing national primary standards of measurement and
standards of measurement, in conducting metrological verification, and in
the manufacture, repair, sale or use of measuring instruments.
Article 3
The State shall adopt the International System of Units (SI).
The International System of Units and other units of measurement adopted
by the State shall be the national legal units of measurement. The names
and symbols of the national legal units of measurement shall be
promulgated by the State Council. Non-national legal units of measurement
shall be abrogated. Measures for the abrogation shall be stipulated by the
State Council.
Article 4
The metrological administrative department of the State Council shall
exercise unified supervision over and administration of metrological work
throughout the country. The metrological administrative departments of the
local people's governments at and above the county level shall exercise
supervision over and administration of metrological work within their
respective administrative areas.

Chapter II Primary Standards of Measurement, Standards of Measure- ment and Metrological Verification
Article 5
The metrological administrative department of the State Council shall be
responsible for establishing all kinds of primary standards of
measurement, which shall serve as the ultimate basis for unifying the
values of quantities of the country.
Article 6
The metrological administrative departments of the local people's
governments at or above the county level may, according to the needs of
their respective areas, establish public standards of measurement, which
shall be put into use after being checked and found to be qualified by the
metrological administrative department of the people's government at the
next higher level.
Article 7
The competent department concerned of the State Council and the competent
department concerned of the people's governments of the provinces,
autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central
Government may, in light of their own specific needs, establish standards
of measurement for their own use. The ultimate standard of measurement of
each kind shall be put into use after being checked and found to be
qualified by the metrological administrative authorities of the people's
government at the corresponding level.
Article 8
Enterprises or institutions may, according to their needs, establish
standards of measurement for their own use. The ultimate standard of
measurement of each kind shall be put into use after being checked and
found to be qualified by the metrological administrative department of the
people's government concerned.
Article 9
The metrological administrative departments of the people's governments at
or above the county level shall make compulsory verification of the public
standards of measurement, the ultimate standards of measurement used in
the departments, enterprises and institutions as well as the working
measuring instruments used in settling trade accounts, safety protection,
medical and health work, or environmental monitoring that are listed in
the compulsory verification catalogue. Those measuring instruments which
have not been submitted for verification as required and those which have
been checked and found to be unqualified shall not be used. The catalogue
of the working measuring instruments subject to compulsory verification
and the measures for the administration of such instruments shall be
stipulated by the State Council.
Standards of measurement and working measuring instruments other than
those referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be verified at regular
intervals by the users themselves or by the metrological verification
institutions. The metrological administrative departments of the people's
governments at or above the county level shall supervise and inspect such
Article 10
Metrological verification shall be conducted according to the National
Metrological Verification System. The National Metrological Verification
System shall be worked out by the metrological administrative department
of the State Council. Metrological verification must be carried out in
accordance with the regulations governing metrological verification. The
national metrological verification regulations shall be formulated by the
metrological administrative department of the State Council. In the case
of certain instruments that are not covered in the national metrological
verification regulations, the competent departments of the State Council
and the metrological administrative departments of the people's
governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly
under the Central Government shall respectively formulate departmental and
local verification regulations. Such verification regulations shall be
submitted to the metrological administrative department of the State
Council for the record.
Article 11
Metrological verification shall, according to the principle of economy and
rationality, be carried out on the spot or in the vicinity.

Chapter III Administrative Control of Measuring Instruments
Article 12
An enterprise or institution which is to engage in manufacturing or
repairing measuring instruments must have facilities, personnel and
verification appliances appropriate to the measuring instruments it is to
manufacture or repair and, after being checked and considered as qualified
by the metrological administrative department of the people's government
at or above the county level, obtain a Licence for Manufacturing Measuring
Instruments or a License for Repairing Measuring Instruments.
The administrative departments for industry and commerce shall not issue a
business licence to an enterprise engaged in manufacturing or repairing
measuring instruments which has not obtained a Licence for Manufacturing
Measuring Instruments or a Licence for Repairing Measuring Instruments.
Article 13
When an enterprise or institution manufacturing measuring instruments
undertakes to manufacture new types of measuring instruments which it has
not previously manufactured, such measuring instruments may be put into
production only after the metrological performance of the sample products
has been checked and found to be qualified by the metrological
administrative department of a people's government at or above the
provincial level.
Article 14
Without the approval of the metrological administrative department of the
State Council, measuring instruments with non-legal units of measurement
which have been abrogated by the State Council, and other measuring
instruments which are banned by the State Council, shall not be
manufactured, sold or imported.
Article 15
An enterprise or institution engaged in manufacturing or repairing
measuring instruments must verify the measuring instruments it has
manufactured or repaired, guarantee the metrological performance of the
products and issue certificates of inspection for the qualified products.
The metrological administrative department of the people's governments at
or above the county level shall supervise and inspect the quality of the
measuring instruments manufactured or repaired.
Article 16
Measuring instruments imported from abroad may be sold only after having
been verified and found to be up to standard by the metrological
administrative department of the people's government at or above the
provincial level.
Article 17
When using measuring instruments, no person shall be allowed to impair
their accuracy, thereby prejudicing the interests of the State and
Article 18
Self-employed workers or merchants may manufacture or repair simple
measuring instruments.
Any self-employed worker or merchant who is to engage in manufacturing or
repairing measuring instruments may apply for a business licence from the
administrative department for industry and commerce provided he has been
tested and found to be qualified by the metrological administrative
department of a people's government at the county level, and issued a
Licence for Manufacturing Measuring Instruments or a Licence for Repairing
Measuring Instruments.
The types of measuring instruments which can be manufactured or repaired
by self-employed workers or merchants shall be determined by the
metrological administrative department of the State Council, which shall
also adopt measures for their control.

Chapter IV Metrological Supervision
Article 19
The metrological administrative department of the people's governments at
or above the county level may, according to their needs, appoint
metrological supervisors. The measures for the administration of the
metrological supervisors shall be formulated by the metrological
administrative department of the State Council.
Article 20
The metrological administrative department of the people's governments at
or above the county level may, according to their needs, set up
metrological verification organs or authorize the metrological
verification institutions of other establishments to carry out compulsory
verification and other verification and testing tasks. The personnel
carrying out the tasks of verification and testing mentioned in the
preceding paragraph must be tested for their qualifications.
Article 21
Any dispute over the accuracy of measuring instruments shall be handled in
accordance with the data provided after verification with the national
primary standards of measurement or public standards of measurement.
Article 22
A product quality inspection agency which is to provide notarial data on
the quality of products for society must be checked for its capability and
reliability of metrological verification and testing by the metrological
administrative department of a people's government at or above the
provincial level.

Chapter V Legal Liability
Article 23
Whoever without a Licence for Manufactured Measuring Instruments or a
Licence for Repairing Measuring Instruments manufactures or repairs
measuring instruments shall be ordered to stop his production or business
operations. His unlawful income shall be confiscated and a fine may
concurrently be imposed.
Article 24
Whoever manufactures or sells a new type of measuring instrument which has
not been checked and found to be qualified shall be ordered to stop the
manufacture or sale of that new product. His unlawful income shall be
confiscated and he may concurrently be punished by a fine.
Article 25
Whoever manufactures, repairs or sells unqualified measuring instruments
shall have his unlawful income confiscated and a fine may concurrently be
Article 26
Whoever uses measuring instruments subject to compulsory verification
without having filed an application for verification as required or
continues to use measuring instruments which have been checked but found
to be unqualified shall be ordered to stop the use and may concurrectly be
punished by a fine.
Article 27
Whoever uses unqualified measuring instruments or impairs the accuracy of
measuring instruments, thus causing losses to the State and consumers,
shall be ordered to make compensation for the losses and shall have his
measuring instruments and unlawful income confiscated and may concurrently
be punished by a fine.
Article 28
Whoever manufactures, sells or uses measuring instruments for the purpose
of deceiving consumers shall have his measuring instruments and unlawful
income confiscated and may concurrently be punished by a fine. If the
circumstances are serious, the individual or the person in the unit who is
directly responsible shall be investigated for his criminal responsibility
according to the crimes of swindling or speculation.
Article 29
When any individual or unit, in violation of the provisions of this Law,
manufactures, repairs or sells unqualified measuring instruments leading
to people's injury or death or causing major property losses, the
individual or the person in the unit who is directly responsible shall be
investigated for his criminal responsibility by reference to the
provisions of Article 187 of the Criminal Law.
Article 30
A metrological supervisor who transgresses the law and neglects his duty,
where the circumstances are serious, shall be investigated for criminal
responsibility pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law. If
the circumstances are minor, he shall be given an administrative sanction.
Article 31
The administrative sanction provided for in this Law shall be determined
by the metrological administrative department of a people's government at
or above the county level. The administrative sanction provided for in
Article 27 of this Law may also be determined by the administrative
departments for industry and commerce.
Article 32
A party who refuses to accept the decision of the administrative sanction
may, within 15 days after receipt of the notification of the decision,
file suit in a people's court. If within that time limit the party does
not file suit or comply with the penalty of paying a fine and having his
unlawful income confiscated, the administrative authorities which have
made the decision of the administrative sanction may request the people's
court for compulsory execution.

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
Article 33
Measures for the administration of and supervision over metrological work
in the Chinese People's Liberation Army and in units under the
jurisdiction of the Commission on Science, Technology and Industry for
National Defence shall be formulated separately by the State Council and
the Central Military Commission in accordance with this Law.
Article 34
The metrological administrative department of the State Council shall, in
accordance with this Law, formulate rules for its implementation, which
shall go into effect after being submitted to and approved by the State
Article 35
This Law shall go into effect on July 1, 1986.

Important Notice:
This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

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  财 政 部





























第 70 号


市 长


第一章 总则
第一条 为了加强三峡工程重庆库区移民资金管理,确保移民资金有计划使用,保障库区移民任务完成,根据《长江三峡工程建设移民条例》和国家关于三峡工程库区移民资金管理的有关规定,结合本市实际,制定本办法。
第二条 本市各级人民政府、移民主管部门、移民迁建单位管理和使用三峡工程移民资金(以下简称移民资金)必须遵守本办法。
第三条 本办法所称移民资金,是指国家安排用于三峡工程重庆库区移民项目及移民工作的专项投资,包括农村移民安置补偿费、农村移民外迁补助费、城(集)镇迁建补偿费、工矿企业迁建补偿费、专业设施复建费、环境保护费、行政管理费、培训费、科研费、规划费、勘测设计费
第四条 本办法所称移民项目,是指三峡工程重庆库区移民搬迁安置及库区淹没处理投资项目,分为农村移民安置、城(集)镇迁建、工矿企业迁建、专业设施复建、环境保护等五大类。
第五条 移民资金按国家有关规定,根据移民任务分解包干到库区区县(自治县、市)人民政府和有关责任单位,其中移民项目资金按大类包干。各区县(自治县、市)人民政府和有关责任单位应在包干的限额内安排使用移民资金,并确保移民任务按期完成。
第六条 移民资金实行统一计划、分级管理、专款专用。
第七条 移民资金实行静态控制、动态管理。年度移民投资计划为当年价格水平的动态投资。价差的测算按国务院三建委移民开发局的规定执行。
第八条 库区各级人民政府应加强对移民资金管理和使用工作的领导和监督,负责本行政区移民任务和投资计划的统一组织实施。
第九条 各级移民主管部门(机构)在本级人民政府的领导下,负责本级移民资金的管理工作,同时接受上级移民主管部门的指导、监督。

第二章 计划的制定和实施
第十条 全市年度移民任务及投资计划由市移民主管部门负责编制和监督实施。
第十一条 制定年度移民投资计划应以移民补偿投资切块包干方案和《三峡工程库区重庆市分县移民安置规划》(以下简称分县移民安置规划)为依据,根据《三峡工程库区重庆市移民迁建进度及分年投资规划》和国务院三建委移民开发局下达的年度移民投资计划,结合本地实际,确
第十二条 全市年度移民任务及投资计划按以下程序制定;
第十三条 全市年度移民任务及投资计划中的移民项目资金按以下规定安排;
第十四条 各区县(自治县、市)移民主管部门根据市移民主管部门下达的年度移民任务及投资计划,并按下列要求编制本辖区内年度移民投资计划实施方案,经本级人民政府批准后下达乡镇人民政府、街道办事处和移民迁建单位,并报市移民主管部门备案:
第十五条 勘测设计费、行政管理费、培训费、科研费、规划费、监理费、移民耕地占用税、移民土地出让金和移民经费存款利息必须纳入计划管理。具体管理办法按国家和市有关规定执行。
第十六条 年度移民任务及投资计划属指令性计划,不得随意调整。确需调整的,按以下规定报批:
第十七条 年度移民任务及投资计划的执行实行目标责任制,由市人民政府与区县(自治县、市)人民政府、区县(自治县、市)人民政府与乡镇人民政府签订目标责任书,落实责任人。市人民政府委托市移民主管部门组织对区县(自治县、市)计划完成情况进行检查验收。

第三章 资金使用管理
第十八条 除第十九条所列情形外,移民资金的拨付必须按年度移民投资计划进行。移民主管部门(机构)应按计划、按投资包干合同、按工程进度及时向下级移民主管部门(机构)或迁建单位(施工单位)拨付资金。各级经办银行应认真履行职责,及时拨付资金,并加强对迁建单位
第十九条 有下列情形之一,经本级人民政府批准,可以延迟或暂停拨付移民资金:
第二十条 各级新城迁建指挥部(管委会)不是一级财务核算单位。移民主管部门拨付迁建单位或施工单位的移民项目资金不得经新城迁建指挥部(管委会)转拨。
第二十一条 区县(自治县、市)、乡镇人民政府和移民迁建单位对拨付的移民经费必须专户储存、专帐管理、专款专用、专帐核算。各区县(自治县、市)和乡镇的移民经费应由本级移民主管部门(机构)直接控制管理;未设立移民主管部门(机构)的应有专门的机构或配备专人负
第二十二条 移民经费必须专项用于移民项目或移民工作。非移民项目的费用一律不得在移民项目经费中列支。
第二十三条 各级新城迁建指挥部(管委会)不得占用移民项目经费和行政管理费,可从直接管理的移民基础设施项目资金中,按1%的比例提取工作补助经费,用于办公、会议、差旅、邮电、交通、设备购置和聘用人员的工资等支出。其中固定资产的购置必须逐级报市移民主管部门
第二十四条 各级移民主管部门(机构)和移民迁建单位应建立健全移民资金的财务核算制度。其财务管理及会计核算,必须按财政部制定的三峡工程库区移民资金会计制度和国务院三建委移民开发局制定的三峡工程库区移民财务管理及经费管理办法执行。
第二十五条 县级以上移民主管部门应设置总会计师,负责组织和领导移民资金的财务管理、成本管理、预算管理、会计管理、会计核算和会计监督工作。
第二十六条 各级人民政府分管移民工作的领导、各级移民主管部门(机构)和各新城迁建指挥部(管委会)的领导及其工作人员,有《重庆市国家公务员任职回避与公务回避实施办法》第六条所列亲属关系之一的,必须按下列规定回避:
第二十七条 各级移民主管部门(机构)、迁建单位应及时、准确、完整地编制财务会计报表,认真审核、汇总财务报表,按时间、按要求、保证质量及时上报财务报表。各经办银行应认真审核年度决算并办理签证手续。
第二十八条 各级移民主管部门(机构)应严格按照国家有关规定和要求,及时、准确、全面地搜集、整理和上报移民经费使用、管理的统计资料,建立完善的统计资料档案,并按时、按质报送统计报表。

第四章 监督检查
第二十九条 库区各级人民政府及其移民主管部门(机构)应加强对移民资金的管理和监督。各区县(自治县、市)人民政府应制定移民资金管理责任制的实施方案,并组织实施。
第三十条 各级审计部门应加强对移民资金管理和使用情况的审计监督,审计部门、移民部门的内部审计机构应对大型移民工程项目和重点移民项目有计划地安排实施审计。必要时可委托中介组织进行。
第三十一条 各级监察部门应加强对移民资金的监督检查,对本行政区移民资金的管理和使用进行事前、事中、事后监督;对群众反映强烈的问题应进行重点监督,对重点移民项目进行重点跟踪监督。应设立投诉电话,受理群众举报;对移民资金管理和使用中的违法违纪案件必须及时
第三十二条 市移民主管部门负责组织对库区各级政府移民投资计划执行的监督、财务检查和审计整改监督,协调审计、监察部门及经办银行对资金使用情况的监督工作。库区各级人民政府、移民主管部门(机构)应积极配合,如实提供有关资料。
第三十三条 各级移民主管部门应建立健全内部审计机构和监察机构,充实内部审计人员和监察人员,加强对移民资金管理和使用的内部审计和监督检查,接受审计、监察部门的指导和监督,配合审计、监察部门的审计及监督检查工作。
第三十四条 各级审计部门、监察部门和移民系统内部的审计、监察机构应建立情况通报制度、材料交换制度和联合检查制度。
第三十五条 各级移民主管部门(机构)应定期向本级人民政府和上级主管部门报告移民投资计划的执行情况、资金拨付和使用情况,对移民资金管理和使用中发生的重大问题应及时报告。

第五章 法律责任
第三十六条 违反移民资金计划管理和专户储存规定,有下列行为之一的,由主管部门或监察部门责令限期改正,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予警告、记过、记大过的行政处分;造成严重后果的,给予降级、撤职、开除的行政处分:
第三十八条 贪污、挪用、挤占移民资金,以及因失职、渎职而给移民资金造成损失的,由主管部门或监察部门对责任人员给予记过直至开除的行政处分;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。
第三十九条 有本办法第三十六条、第三十七条和第三十八条各项行为,造成移民资金流失的,应依法全额追回;造成移民资金损失的,应依法赔偿;有违法所得的,依法予以没收。

第六章 附则
第四十条 移民迁建单位补偿安置后遗留的固定资产由移民主管部门负责处置,所产生的收益纳入移民项目资金进行管理和使用。无偿支援移民的资金参照移民资金进行管理。
第四十一条 移民工程项目的管理按国家有关规定执行。
第四十二条 市移民局可以根据本办法制定移民资金管理的具体实施办法。
第四十三条 本办法自发布之日起施行。
